Monthly Newsletter

January 2025 Newsletter


The Professional Pilots Association’s next meeting will be held Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at the main Lane Aviation hangar in the middle of the John Glenn Columbus International Airport, Columbus, Ohio. Click here for a map


The annal PPA Business Meeting will be held January 8th .


Future meeting speakers and topics:

February 5th, TBA

PPA Name Badge. If you ordered a PPA member name badge you can pick it up at this meeting from Treasurer Shawn Bauer or Bob Brown. These badges are available: Gentile, Marzolf, Nofzinger, Scharff

Request: Please contact me or any of the Trustees with suggested speakers and topics for future meetings.  You can call one of us or send a message: CLICK HERE


Each PPA member is encouraged to make reservations as early as practicable to help us obtain an accurate estimate of attendance. Please make your reservation not later than noon, Monday, January 6th. This meeting is not sponsored. There will be a $20 registration fee collected at the door to cover the meal and PPA expenses. The meal is ordered based on the number of reservations so we ask that members reimburse the Association for a non-cancellation. Cancel not later than Tuesday at noon or you will be charged for the meal.

Make your reservations:
Click here to make your reservations


6:00 p.m. Social
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m. Presentation

See you on January 8th, 2025

Mike Ponzani

President, Professional Pilots Association
View PPA Business Meeting Minutes
PPA Welcomes our newest members!!!! Click here to view the list
Gone West.
PPA members who have recently passed. Ronald Craig PPA (#171), John Woodmansee (PPA #318), Jeff Sharp (PPA #309), Myron Ashcraft (PPA #558)