Annual Business Meetings 2002

Annual Meeting Held January 9, 2002
At DCSC Officer’s Club, Columbus , Ohio

Greg Panzarella, President, presiding
Meeting opened, quorum established
Guests welcomed
New members awarded membership cards and pins
#459 Doug Werling
#460 Charles Adkinson

Treasurer’s Report given by Treasurer Bob Tessman

Balance of the PPA checking account as of January 9, 2002 was reported as $1,374.73.

Old Business- none

New Business- Jerry Eichenberger suggested that the Trustees explore the possibility of a new (better) location for monthly meetings, as the food at the present location is considered marginal. The Trustees agreed to look into other venues or into an improved menu at the present location.

Trustee election was held and the vote tabulated.

Retiring members Jim Taylor and Jerry Isbell were thanked for their years of service.

Newly elected Trustees were welcomed:

  • Robert Brown President 1978/1979
  • Curtis Hiser President 1980,1981
  • Robert Stream President 1981/1982
  • James Holt President 1987/1988
  • Joe Van Houten President 1988/1989
  • Roy Cottrill President 1996/1998
  • Robert Tessman President 1999/2000

There was no further Business
The Meeting was adjourned

J. Scott Seibert
PPA Secretary