Annual Business Meeting 2017

Held January 4, 2017 at Landmark Hangar

Minutes recorded by Bill Scharff for Christine Mortine, Secretary

Meeting Called To Order

Richard Wodell, PPA President called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM, with 2 officers and all trustees present.

A quorum was established.

Secretary’s Report

No report was made.

Treasurer’s Report

The 31 December 2015 balance was $ 2,993.39
The 31 December 2016 balance is     $ 3,211.73 (unaudited)
The net difference for 2016 is a plus   $ 218.34
A possible December credit card billing discrepancy is being resolved and the
Treasurer will give an accurate and audited report at a future meeting.
An amended meeting minutes can then be published.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business was discussed.

New Business

Guests and new members were welcomed.

Members were asked to work their contacts to request sponsors for meetings this year.

Rich Wodell questioned the members as to the future administration of the Association due to a lack of volunteers to fill open and expiring officer positions.  Much discussion as to the future direction of the Association leadership resulted in no definitive action.

Possible actions to increase membership were discussed including:

  • Appointing a Membership Chairman to coordinate recruiting.
  • Holding offsite meeting.
  • Inviting more Associate Members (those not meeting current membership requirements), especially the IP from OSU.
  • Finding additional meeting speakers to fill the void left by difficulty getting meeting sponsor commitments from industry. Suggestions included requesting speakers from FAA, ATC and FlightSafety to do presentations that would attract younger members.

Rich as agreed to continue in the President’s office until May, 2017.  Judy Stream and Mike Ponzani have volunteered to help Rich in efforts to recruit new members.


A motion to adjourn was made and approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM.

Bill Scharff