Supplemental Business Meeting 2009

Held March 4, 2009
At Odyssey Hangar – CMH
Minutes recorded by Tom Lusch. PPA Secretary

After dinner and a presentation by Dr. Bob Lewis, the meeting was called to order at Odyssey Aviation at 8:14 p.m. by President Bill Freeman. A quorum was established. No minutes were read, nor was a treasurer’s report presented.

Old business

We are awaiting a report from Bill Robb concerning the audio equipment search.

New business

A slate of officer nominations for 2010 was presented.

This included Anita Zweering (continuing) for Treasurer, George Farahay for Secretary, Tom Lusch for Vice-President, and Ken Ramos for President. It was moved, seconded, and voted upon to accept this slate of nominees.

Other Business

Jim Holt is in discussion with a sales rep for Embraer about the possibility of a sponsored meeting for April. It is possible that we will have an Embraer Phenom on display. It was reported that the Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP) NPRM has received over 4,000 comments.

A motion to adjourn was moved and seconded. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Thomas G. Lusch, Secretary