Annual Business Meeting 2009

Held February 4, 2009
At Odyssey Aviation –CMH
(Minutes recorded by Tom Lusch, Secretary)

Meeting called to order.

Bill Freeman, President, presiding.
The meeting was called to order at Odyssey Aviation at 8:15 p.m. by President Bill Freeman. A quorum was established.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes from the 2008 Annual Meeting were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report by Anita Dodovski indicated a beginning balance for 2008 of $4,587.28. Receipts for 2008 totaled $4,469.50, and disbursements $5,418.68. Balance on hand $3,418.10. A motion to accept the report was moved and seconded. Motion passed.

Old Business –


New Business

New Business: Roy Cottrill made a motion that PPA acquire an audio system, and should do so for under $2,000. Bill Robb expressed knowledge of audio equipment and will look into what may be appropriate for our meetings and get back to us.

Other Business: There was a brief discussion about contributing to a hospice in memory of founding PPA member (PPA#2) Jack Griese, but no motions were made.

The COPAMA Scholarship Fund was brought up, but no motions were made.

Greg Kulis gave an update on the state of the Large Aircraft Safety Program (LASP) Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM comment period ending Feb 27). Greg stated how individual comments carry more weigh than comments submitted via an organization’s web site. Greg also advised that Columbus Artist Anita Miller (Lima Company Memorial) truly appreciated the generosity exhibited by our members after her presentation at our January meeting.

At an upcoming meeting the Trustees will be presenting a slate of Officers for 2010.

Anyone interested in volunteering be sure to let a Trustee know of their interest. Ideas for future meetings were discussed, including Flight Safety and the FAA Tower.

Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Thomas G. Lusch, Secretary