Held January 5, 2011
At Odyssey Hangar – CMH
Minutes recorded by George P. Farahay. PPA Secretary
Meeting called to order
Ken Ramos, PPA President, called the meeting to order at 7:55PM. A quorum was established. Guests were introduced.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes from the 2010 Annual Meeting were read and hearing no additions or corrections, were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Brown presented the Treasurer’s report for Treasurer Anita Zweering. He reported a beginning balance of $3845.40 on January 1, 2010 and an ending balance of $2031.60 on December 31, 2010 (see attached report for detail). The report was received.
Unfinished Business
It was moved and seconded that the PPA maintain a minimum balance of $1000.00 in the checking account. Motion passed. It was moved and seconded that the PPA continue to donate ($1000.00) to the COPAMA Scholarship Fund (provided we maintain the minimum balance in the checking account). Motion passed. It was reported that a sound system has been purchased and is currently in use.
New Business
Several ideas were presented for sponsors for future meetings. Spirit Aviation was suggested for February. Constant Aviation and Embraer were mentioned as other possibilities.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
George P. Farahay