Annual Business Meeting 2013

Held January 2, 2013
At Landmark Hangar
Minutes recorded by Bill Scharff, PPA Vice President, for Casey Granger, Secretary

Meeting called to order

George Farahay, PPA President called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. A quorum was established.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the 2012 Annual meeting were read and hearing no additions or corrections were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report

Bob Brown presented the CY 2012 Treasurer’s Report. He reported a beginning balance of $2163.79 and an ending balance of $2,115.33. Dinner support entry was explained as expenses for items used for meals, but not included in meal catering.

Printed report has incorrect date for the opening balance. The report was accepted and attached.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business was discussed.

New Business

Members were asked to work their contacts to request sponsors for meetings this year.

The motion presented by the trustees for purchase of membership pins was approved by the members.


A motion to adjourn was made and approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM.
Bill Scharff
Vice President