Held April 4, 2012
At Landmark Hangar – CMH
Minutes recorded by George P. Farahay. PPA Vice President for Anita Zweering, Secretary

Meeting called to order

Tom Lusch PPA President called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. A quorum was established.

Secretary’s Report

It was moved seconded and approved to waive the Secretary’s report.

Treasurer’s Report

It was moved seconded and approved to waive the Treasurer’s report.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business was discussed.

New Business

A slate of officers was presented.

For President George Farahay.

For Vice President Bill Scharff.

For Treasurer Bob Brown.

For Secretary Casey Granger.

All have been contacted and have agreed to serve.

Nominations from the floor were asked none being heard the officers were elected by voice vote.

A slate of Trustees was presented to replace retiring Trustees Jim Williams and Bob Brown.

Greg Casagrande has been contacted and agreed to serve in the first position.

Ed Bannen has been contacted and agreed to serve in the second position.

Nominations from the floor were asked for, none being heard the Trustees were elected by voice vote.

Tom thanked the retiring Trustees and Officers for their service to PPA.


Motion to adjourn was made and seconded the motion passed .

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.

George P. Farahay

Vice President