The meeting was held at Landmark Aviation at Port Columbus Airport.
The meeting convened at 18:00 and a quorum was established.
- Trustees Present Others Present
- Roy Cottrill George Farahay, President
- Jerry Isbell Bill Scharff, Vice-President
- Curt Hiser Robert Brown, Treasurer
- Casey Granger, Secretary
- Trustees Present
- Ed Bannen
- James Holt
- Robert Tessman
Secretary’s Report
Casey Granger presented the secretary’s report. The minutes from the last meeting held January 2, 2013 were read and accepted as posted.
Treasurer’s Report
Robert Brown presented the treasurer’s report. Current Balance: $1348.00. All bills are paid. The report was accepted as presented.
Old Business
Roy Cottrill advised that PPA logo pins are now available for new members. The pins were recently purchased.
New Business
The main objective of this meeting was to discuss the upcoming year’s slate of PPA Officers. After a quick discussion, it was decided that Bill Scharff would consider the nomination for the position of President. Casey Granger would consider the nomination for Vice-President and Robert Brown would consider another term as treasurer. A motion to present a slate of officers at the next PPA meeting was made by Roy Cottrill. It was also understood that we would be taking volunteers and nominations from the floor at the next meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 18:15
Minutes prepared by Secretary Casey Granger.