Trustee Meeting, February 1, 2012

The meeting was held in the Landmark Aviation Hangar
The meeting was convened by Tom Lusch at 6:00 p.m. a quorum was established.
Minutes were recorded by George Farahay, PPA Vice President .

Call to Order

Tom Lusch PPA President called the meeting to order at 6PM a quorum was established

  • Present
  • Tom Lusch
    George Farahay
    Ken Ramos
    Jim Williams
    Robert Brown
    Roy Cottrill
    Jerry Isbell
    Robert Tessman
    Curt Hiser
  • President
    Vice President
    Past President

  • Absent
  • Jim Holt
  • Trustee
Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the March 2, 2011 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurers Report

Bob Brown presented an amended report to correct some figures which were not available on December 31, 2011 (See attached report) Report was accepted.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business was discussed

New Business

Several ideas were discussed regarding the treasury, including having a back-up treasurer or treasurer in training, and balancing the books monthly. It was moved by Bob Brown to Email the monthly balance to the trustees second by Jim Williams, motion passed.

The meeting was suspended untill after the regular meeting and reconvened at 9:05.

The selection of officers was discussed, it will be announced at the March meeting that we are looking for Officers primarily Secretary and Treasurer, with a slate to be presented at the April meeting.

It was also suggested that the sign-in sheet include a column for new or changed Email addresses.

Other new business included creating an Assistant Web Master position, motion by Bob Tessman, second by Jim Williams. Motion passed. (Chuck Adkinson has volunteered)

The purchase of a P.C. projector and a boom microphone was discussed, no decision was reached.

PPA’s participation in the OAA conference was the feelings were negative.

It was decided to do away with PPA’s phone number motion by Roy Cottrill, second by Jim Williams. Motion passed.

Tom Lusch expressed interest in fine tuning the bylaws to reflect electronic communications and newly created positions, he agreed to provide suggested changes to be approved at the next Business Meeting.


Motion to adjourn was made by Roy Cottrill, Motion was passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Acting Secretary:
George Farahay