Trustee Meeting, March 2, 2011

The meeting was held in the Huntington Bank / Wolfe Industries Office following the regularly scheduled monthly association meeting.
The meeting was convened by Roy Cottrill who acted as chair.
Robert Brown was asked to take minutes.
A quorum was established.

  • Present
  • Ken Ramos
    Tom Lusch
    Greg Casagrande
    Jim Williams
    Robert Brown
    Roy Cottrill
    Curt Hiser
  • President
    Vice President
    Past President

  • Absent
  • Jerry Isbell
    Robert Tessman
    Jim Holt
  • Trustee
Discussion: Candidates and Election of Officers for 2011 – 2012 year terms.

The “MOVING UP ONE” practice was discussed and will be continued.
Current officer and several candidates for any open positions were reviewed.
Current officers will be contacted concerning their willingness to continue and then candidates for open positions will be contacted.
The slate of officers will be finalized and presented to the membership at the April scheduled meeting of the association.

Discussion: Review of Board of Trustees Structure and Membership

The number of Trustees and background qualifications and eligibility was reviewed and discussed. The current membership and candidates for election were discussed.
Any changes will be presented to the membership at the April scheduled meeting of the association.
Suggestion: A suggestion was made to elect/designate a Chair for the
Board of Trustees to coordinate all activities with the President.

Discussion: Secretary and Treasurer Responsibilities

In the past – because the organization had dues – the membership rolls were maintained by the Treasurer. We no longer have dues.
The Secretary has less volume of work to do.
Suggestion: The Secretary to assume maintenance of the Membership Rolls and to act as Chair of a Membership Committee.


The above activities will be completed by individual effort and communication.
An additional meeting will be called if needed.

Trustee (Acting Secretary)