Trustee Meeting, March 2006

Date: 3/1/2006

Time: 6:15PM

Location: Lane Aviation Hangar

Trustees present: Jim Holt, Jim Williams, Jerry Isbell, Roy Cottrill (presiding in president’s absence)

Meeting was called to order, quorum was established, and reading of minutes from last meeting was waived.

Old Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New business

It was moved and seconded that the Trustees submit the following slate of officers for consideration and election by the membership at the April PPA meeting:

For President………Greg Casagrande

For Vice-president…Bill Freeman

For Secretary……….John Clem

For Treasurer……….Anita Dodovski

[All have been contacted and have agreed to serve if elected. Others may be nominated from the floor at the April meeting. The election will be held at that time.]

The motion passed 4-0.

It was moved and seconded to ask John Clem (Secretary/web master) to establish a “Members activities” section on the PPA Website to link to members own websites or E-mail addresses to promote personal causes, fund raisers, or charitable events. [This would be open to all members to post and access information but would not be an endorsement by PPA].

The motion passed 4-0.

It was moved and seconded to discontinue the collection of annual dues ($10.00) and to increase the initiation fee from $45.00 to $50.00 effective September 1, 2006. [Trustees reaffirmed the collection of $5.00 at each “sponsored” meeting and agreed to keep the meal cost at $20.00/ member and guest for the 2006/07 season. First time guests and “presenters” meals will continue to be paid by PPA].

The motion passed 4-0.

It was moved and seconded that the Trustee meeting be adjourned.

Motion passed 4-0
Roy A. Cottrill